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2019年12月-2020年8月 美国马里兰大学帕克分校Smith商学院访问学者

2014年12月-2015年1月 香港城市大学商学院访问学者

2010年1月-2011年1月 美国纽约大学Stern商学院访问学者





企业咨询: 武汉钢铁公司运营优化决策、广东电信数据分析与服务策略、河南新能源商会电动汽车发展策略、武汉东风电动汽车示范运营公司合作等


2018年 第十一届湖北省社会科学优秀成果二等奖

2015年 美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM)二等奖(指导老师)

2014年入选武汉市 “黄鹤英才(现代服务)计划”

2013年 湖北省优秀学士学位论文(指导老师)

2011年Informs年会上获得由Informs 颁发的Finalist in 2011 JFIG paper Competition

2010年 湖北省优秀硕士学位论文 (指导老师)




【1】口碑效应下的实体店选址与选品问题研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目,72072063, 2021-2024)

【2】社会化学习背景下产品定价与质保策略研究 (国家自然科学基金面上项目,71672065, 2017-2020)

【3】公司市值影响下的供应链契约与协调研究 (国家自然科学基金面上项目,71172093, 2012-2015)


【5】不确定因素下的网络设施截流-选址问题研究 (国家自然科学青年基金项目,70601011, 2007-2009)


【7】新零售模式的运营管理理论与方法 (国家自然科学基金重点项目,71931005,2020.1-2024.12),子课题负责

【8】社会化商务商业模式创新的理论与方法研究 (国家自然科学基金重点项目,71332001, 2014-2018),参与



【1】Ye Zou, Chao Yang, Jun Yang*. P-D pair based EV-sharing vehicle relocation problem with route familiarity, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021,159: 105729

【2】Ye Zou, Chao Yang, Jun Yang*. EV-sharing station location and vehicle relocation with parking rewards and punishments mechanism, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2021, 15(4):306-322

【3】Hao Sun, Jun Yang*, Chao Yang. A robust optimization approach to multi-interval location-inventory and recharging planning for electric vehicles. Omega, 2019, 86: 59-75

【4】Wanchen Jie, Jun Yang*, Min Zhang, Yongxi Huang. The two-echelon capacitated electric vehicle routing problem with battery swapping stations: Formulation and efficient methodology. European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 272: 879-904

【5】Fang Guo, Jun Yang*, Jiayi Lu. The battery charging station location problem: Impact of users’ range anxiety and distance convenience. Transportation Research Part E, 2018,114: 1-18

【6】Jun Yang, Fang Guo, Min Zhang*. Optimal planning of swapping/charging station network with customer satisfaction. Transportation Research Part E, 2017,103: 174-197

【7】Jun Yang, Hao Sun*. Battery swap station location-routing problem with capacitated electric vehicles, Computers & Operations Research, 2015, 55, 217-232

【8】Jun Yang*, Hao Sun. A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Battery Swap Stations Location and Inventory Problem, Int. J. Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2015,7(3): 246-265

【9】Hui Liu, Chao Yang, Jun Yang*. Budget of uncertainty robust approach to integrated facility location and production planning problem under demand uncertainty, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 2015,11(4): 791-810

【10】Jun Yang*, Min Zhang, Bo He, Chao Yang. Bi-level Programming Model and Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Flow Interception Problem with Customer Choice, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2009,57: 1985-1994



【13】杨珺,卢巍,低碳政策下多容量等级选址与配送问题研究, 中国管理科学,2014,22(5): 51-60

【14】杨珺,邵路路,刘舒佶,考虑延迟惩罚的轴辐式枢纽网络中断问题研究,交通运输系统工程与信息,2014, 14(3):117-125

【15】杨珺,李金宝,卢巍, 系统动力学的碳排放政策对供应链影响,工业工程与管理,2012,4:21-30





【20】杨珺,杨超,吴云,带危险度瓶颈限制的服务站截流选址-分配模型研究,数学物理学报, 2007,5:955-960


【22】杨珺,张敏,刘婵媛,带地区零售饱和度限制的竞争型零售网点选址模型研究,工业工程与管理,2006(1): 32-36

【23】杨珺,杨超,马云峰. DEA在网络容量扩张方案的决策与有效性评价中的应用, 系统工程理论方法应用, 2005(4): 300-302


【1】Guoming Lai, Wenqiang Xiao, Jun Yang, Supply chain performance under market valuation: an operational approach to restore efficiency. Management Science , 2012,58: 1933-1951

【2】Rui Zheng, Biying Shou*, and Jun Yang. Supply disruption management under consumer panic buying and social learning effects. Omega , 2021,101:102238

【3】Song Huang,Wenqiang Xiao*,Jun Yang. Optimal contracts under endogenous demand information acquisition. Operations Research Letters, 2019, 47(3): 173-177

【4】Lulu Shao, Jun Yang*, Min Zhang. Subsidy scheme or price discount scheme? Mass adoption of electric vehicles under different market structures. European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 262: 1181-1195

【5】Benrong Zheng, Chao Yang, Jun Yang*, Min Zhang. Dual-channel closed loop supply chains: forward channel competition, power structures and coordination. International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55: 3510-3527.

【6】Benrong Zheng, Chao Yang, Jun Yang*, Min Zhang. Pricing, collecting and contract design in a reverse supply chain with incomplete information. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017, 111:109-122

【7】Jun Yang, Wei Lu, He Xu*. Positive implications of market valuation under asymmetric quality information. International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(7): 2057-2074

【8】Song Huang, Jun Yang*. Information acquisition and transparency in a supply chain with asymmetric production cost information. International Journal of Production Economics, 2016,182: 449-464

【9】Song Huang, Jun Yang*. Contracting under asymmetric customer returns information and market valuation with advertising-dependent demand, European Journal of Industrial Engineering,2015, 9(4): 538-559

【10】Jun Yang, Wei Lu* and Chunhui Zhou, The immediate impact of purchasing/sales contract announcements on the market value of firms: An empirical study in China, International Journal of Production Economics, 2014,156: 169-179

【11】郑本荣, 杨超, 杨珺*, 黄宏军. 产品再制造、渠道竞争和制造商渠道入侵[J]. 管理科学学报, 2018, 21(8):98-111


【1】Hongjun Huang,Jun Yang*, Benrong Zheng, Demand effects of product similarity network in e-commerce platform, Electronic Commerce Research, 2021, 21:297–327

【2】Kong, Demei, Jun Yang*, Hongchen Duan, and Siyue Yang. Helpfulness and economic impact of multidimensional rating systems: Perspective of functional and hedonic characteristics. Journal of Consumer Behaviour,2020,19: 80-95

【3】Ni, Chengzhang, Jun Yang*, and Demei Kong. Sequential seeding strategy for social influence diffusion with improved entropy-based centrality,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,2020,545:123659

【4】Jun Yang, Rui Zheng, Ling Zhao*, Sumeet Gupta, Enhancing customer brand experience and loyalty through enterprise microblogs: Empirical evidence from a communication framework perspective, Information Technology & People, 2017,30(3):580-601




美国运筹学和管理学研究协会(Informs)会员, 国际信息系统学会(AIS) 会员

《IIE Transactions 》《European Journal of Operational Research》《Transportation Research Part E》《Computers & Operations Research》《International Journal of Production Research》《International Journal of Production Economics》、《Computers & Industrial Engineering》《管理科学学报》《系统工程理论与实践》等期刊审稿人
